Resiliencies, 2011-2012

My playful and truant work outdoors is set up by a constant referring to the difformed, the parasite and the artefact. From the observation and mediation within nature occurs a trial of nature by culture which does not hesitate tracking down in its every last phenomenon the two realms' interrelationship.
This photographs series focuses on trees which unnatural inflexions condemns man's antagonism over their growth.

Lesson #2 :
Tree cut down because swarming with woodworms. Against all odds, it is able to restart by making horizontal rejections. Impaired, it is then invaded by the parasitic mistletoe.
Grecians made mistletoe relate to Hermes, Olympus' high messenger. During Gallic era, druids regarded that plant as holy, as a charm that could repulse negative spirits, counter poison, guarantee livestock's fruition and even make ghosts visible and capable of speech. In Europe and North America, it is common to kiss each others under mistletoe at Christmas and New Year's eves, as a symbol of thriving and long life.
In France, mistletoe stands among supposedly 'pest' organisms. In wintertime, when trees are exposed, mistletoe remains durable by sucking the sap out of the tree it has settled on – like a plant vampire. By the use of its sucking device, which over time gradually sinks deeper into its host, it eventually wipes the entire tree out. This parasite is patient and can live on a host for thirty years, which does not prevent us from liking it because of its continually bright green-coloured foliage and its small white berries, which all are ideal for floral arrangement.